Please be informed that we’ll be closed on the 24th to 27th and 31st of December and on the 1st to 2nd of January. We’ll be back on the 3rd of January. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!

Did you know that when you smile, cortisones and endorphins are released throughout your entire body? Studies show that adults only smile 20 times a day whereas children smile approximately 400 times a day. One smile a day can change the outlook of your week and brighten somebody’s day, so what’s holding you back?

The proof is in the pudding, smiling helps you genuinely feel better! If you are conscious of your smile, we can help you get your confidence back! There are several options to consider when looking to improve your smile, read the options below and let’s get those cortisones and endorphins flowing!

  • Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening uses bleaches or gel to lift the stains and remove discolouration from your teeth. It is quite a simple procedure which breaks the stains down to small pieces which reduces their concentration and brightens your smile!

  • Veneers

If you have either a chipped, cracked, or small tooth that you that makes you self-conscious of your smile? You could consider veneers! They are thin restorations added to the front of the tooth (custom made to fit) to replace those little imperfections on your teeth. If this sounds like something for you give us a call and we can walk you through the process!

  • Orthodontics

Orthodontics means no more crooked teeth for you, whether you are a pre-teen or an adult! Now there is choice when it comes to orthodontics; if you don’t want to wear the traditional braces you can wear clear aligners instead. There are a number of things to consider when looking into orthodontics; are your teeth crowded? Do you have large gaps? Do you have either an over, under or open bite? Whatever your situation is, we are here to help you.

Our tips on how to smile (even when you are feeling down)

Regardless of how your teeth look, smiling makes you feel good, whether it be a real one or a fake one. We have the secret ingredient to the perfect fake or after you follow these little tips maybe it will be a real smile.

  • Google puppies running

Go on, you know you want to. Sit back and watch the puppies run! It is the cutest thing to watch and is bound to put a smile on your face.

  • Comedians

We all have a favourite comedian, right? Listen to an excerpt of one of their shows, you laughed when you heard it the first time – it will make you smile today too.

  • Music

There is nothing better than dancing when nobodies watching, well how about some karaoke when no one is listening? Put on your favourite track and let loose, sing your lungs out. By the time the song is over you’ll be smiling.

  • Nostalgia

Open that photo library on your phone, pull up photos of your family, loved ones, friends, pets, anything that makes you smile

  • Breathe

As simple as it sounds when you sit down and control your breathing, it can change your mindset for the rest of the day. Close your eyes, clear your head, and breathe.

The importance of a smile

We know a smile does show off those pearly whites but smiling isn’t just about your teeth. By smiling it has been proven to reduce stress levels, reduce your heart rate, and as mentioned earlier increase endorphins and cortisone levels.

Even when you are sad, feeling down, or not in a good mood, fake a smile! By faking a smile, we trick our brain into thinking that something humorous is going on and this has the same effect as smiling naturally. It is becoming easier by the day to perfect your smile, so what are you waiting for! Happy Smiling!

Book a cosmetic dentistry appointment

To investigate cosmetic dentist treatments, book an appointment at Dana Street Dental. We can examine your smile and present all possible treatment options. Among the many benefits of having a dental check-up every 6 months, you will be able to stay on top of any serious dental issues that arise and most likely avoid any invasive treatment. It is important for us to educate you on the importance of the 6-monthly check-up and ensure that you understand the importance of this.

If you would like to book your next checkup, please call us on 5331 6117

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