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Healthy teeth are a crucial part of good oral health that enable people to eat, smile and socialise without feeling pain or discomfort. Most people neglect their oral care routine, exposing their teeth to gum disease, tooth decay and other dental conditions. If left untreated, gum disease may lead to tooth loss. According to the Australian Dental Association, tooth decay is Australia’s most prevalent health problem, with approximately 11 million newly decaying teeth cases arising every year.

Among the available tooth replacement treatment options, most dentists recommend dental implants as the best option. Dental implants are more efficient compared to dentures and bridges thanks to advancements in technology. However, like any other treatment option, dental implants have advantages and disadvantages.

This article discusses the pros and cons of dental implants to prepare you on what to expect should you consider this option.

The Pros: What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

As the best tooth replacement options, dental implants offer the following benefits:

Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants give you an aesthetic value you cannot get with other treatment options. You will not have to worry about chewing because dental implants are strong, like your teeth. The crown that covers the implant matches the colour of your teeth, giving it a natural look.

Durable and Long-Lasting

Dental implants are more durable than dentures and dental bridges. Because they are inserted in the jawbone, they integrate with the bone and the surrounding teeth, making them a more permanent option. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last over twenty years or a lifetime!

Eat and Chew With Ease

Losing your teeth makes it difficult to bite and chew. When food enters the gaps or cavities, it becomes uncomfortable and painful and it affects chewing. Dental implants are inserted in alignment with your other teeth to make your bite even. This means you can chew properly without experiencing pain and discomfort. Since they are sturdy and permanent, they don’t move when eating or talking.

Prevent Bone Loss

When you lose your teeth, the jawbone remains exposed and over time, it may disintegrate and distribute nutrients to other parts of the body. If you don’t replace your teeth, the bone will continue eroding, affecting the bone structure and the shape of your face. By fusing with the jawbone, dental implants mimic the tooth root and prevent the disintegration of the jawbone.

Easy to Look After

Dental implants’ routine care and cleaning are as simple as looking after your natural teeth. You only need to brush and floss twice a day thoroughly as recommended by our dentists and the Australian Dental Association. This will help eliminate all the food debris, prevent plaque build-up and avoid staining.

Give You a Realistic Smile

Since dental implants look and function just like your teeth, they can help you improve your smile and boost your confidence. You will no longer feel embarrassed when socialising and talking in public because dental implants give you a complete smile makeover.

The Cons: What Are the Disadvantages of Dental Implants?

Besides their many advantages, dental implants do have several shortcomings, which include:

The Procedure Can Be Lengthy

The dental implant procedure involves two stages with a long recovery duration in between.

You Have To Meet a Set of Requirements

Dental implants are not for everyone. Several factors, such as bone mass and your overall health, are considered before undergoing the procedure. If the bone is not sufficient, it means it can’t hold the implant. To qualify for dental implants, you must also be free from chronic diseases such as diabetes.

Require a Recovery Period

Inserting dental implants requires a surgical procedure and a recovery period for the implant to integrate with the jawbone. Due to the slow healing nature of the jawbone, the recovery phase takes three to six months, depending on the patient.

May Necessitate Additional Surgeries

Before the procedure, additional surgeries like bone grafts may be required to strengthen your jawbone if the bone mass is insufficient.

Book An Appointment For Dental Implants Today

Apart from the few disadvantages, dental implants are by far the best treatment option for your missing teeth. Now that you know the pros and cons of dental implants, it will help you decide on your teeth replacements.

If you are looking to transform your smile, Dana Street Dental can help you with that. Contact us today to schedule your dental implant consultation!

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