Please be informed that we’ll be closed on the 24th to 27th and 31st of December and on the 1st to 2nd of January. We’ll be back on the 3rd of January. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!

Ballarat Emergency Dentistry

A man experiencing extreme toothache

Ballarat Emergency Dentistry We understand certain things cannot wait. If you find yourself facing a dental emergency and in need of an emergency dentist Ballarat, you can count on us. From severe toothache that has you up all night to your child taking a knock to the mouth in a game of rough and tumble,…

Sleep Dentistry

A patient sleeping

Our Sedation Options A significant percentage of the population suffers from a degree of dental-related anxiety. So, if receiving dental treatment makes you feel nervous or uncomfortable, you’re not alone. At Dana Street Dental, it’s important to us that you can receive the dental care you need. For nervous patients, or those having multiple treatments…


A smiling teen holding her invisible brace

Our Ballarat Orthodontic Services Our orthodontic philosophy at Dana Street Dental is to create healthy and beautiful faces. For us , it’s not just about straight teeth. We focus on a patient’s full facial profile, lip support, airway and jaw joint. In children, this includes addressing underlying factors that could influence jaw development and teeth…

Dana Street Dental
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