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Are you looking for cosmetic dental procedures to enhance aesthetics? It can be confusing to decide which may be the right treatment for you. After all, each smile is different, and appearance should not always be the discerning factor when opting for cosmetic dental procedures. Your oral health is equally important.

Whether it’s teeth contouring, whitening or dental veneers, each procedure has its pros and cons. If you’re interested in learning about teeth contouring or alternative treatment options before making your final decision, we can help. Dive into the world of cosmetic dentistry to understand how it can help improve your oral health and smile appearance with lasting results.

What is Teeth Contouring and how can it help your smile?

Teeth contouring is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves reshaping the enamel of the teeth to improve their appearance. It is a conservative, minimally invasive procedure for correcting minor teeth imperfections.

During the procedure, a small amount of tooth enamel is removed to alter the tooth’s shape, size, or surface. It can be used to round off sharp or pointed teeth or reshape irregularly-shaped teeth to create a more uniform appearance. Teeth contouring is often performed in combination with dental bonding, where tooth-coloured resin material is applied to the teeth to further enhance their appearance. The procedure is usually painless and requires no anaesthesia, as only a little bit of the surface tooth enamel is removed.

Teeth Contouring Pros and Cons

Teeth contouring, like all cosmetic dental procedures, offers several advantages and disadvantages. When opting for any cosmetic dental procedure, it’s better to consult your dentist, exploring all options to find the one that suits your oral health and aesthetic requirements.


  • Quick and minimally painless procedure
  • Has long-term results
  • Less expensive compared to other cosmetic dental procedures
  • Can improve oral health where teeth are overlapping or removing crevices which make it difficult to brush and remove plaque buildup


  • Can only correct minor teeth imperfections
  • Is permanent as the tooth enamel once removed cannot be reversed
  • Increases the risk of removing too much enamel, which can lead to weakened and sensitive teeth
  • May need other procedures to get more transformative results

How Does Teeth Contouring Work?

The teeth contouring process begins with an initial consultation with your dentist to understand the smile corrections you are looking for and examine your dental condition to evaluate your eligibility. As teeth reshaping is only suitable for minor flaws, it may not be able to treat severe to moderate misshapen, crooked, or gapped teeth. Before the contouring process begins, your dentist may also take dental X-rays or use other diagnostic tools to assess the structure of your teeth and ensure that contouring is safe and appropriate for you.

During the procedure, your dentist will reshape your teeth using dental instruments, such as drills, sanding discs, or lasers, to carefully remove small amounts of enamel from the targeted areas of your teeth. Lastly, your teeth will be polished for a smooth and natural look.

The procedure is generally short and takes less than an hour. However, the treatment time may vary based on the extent of teeth being reshaped.

Alternative Options for Teeth Contouring

Teeth contouring can only be used for creating subtle improvements, such as slight changes to teeth shape. It does not remove teeth discolouration, stains, or gaps or straighten crooked teeth. If you’re looking for a complete smile makeover for a dramatic improvement to your smile, some of these cosmetic dental procedures may be able to help:

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are thin, custom-made porcelain or composite shells bonded to the front surface of the teeth. They can help fix many cosmetic issues such as chipped, stained, gappy, discoloured, overcrowded or misshapen teeth. There are two types of dental veneers: composite and porcelain.

Porcelain veneers are customised, wafer-thin shells of porcelain that mimic the appearance of your natural teeth. Only minimal tooth enamel is removed to allow the veneers to bond with your teeth. Porcelain veneer application can take two to three appointments as it will take several days to get your veneers ready. Porcelain veneers are relatively more expensive than composite but are extremely durable and long-lasting. With proper aftercare and maintenance, they can last for 15 years or more.

Composite veneers generally take one appointment, depending on your requirements and teeth condition. There is minimal preparation and removal required, and the composite resin is applied directly to your teeth, with the dentist reshaping and correcting it during the procedure. Composite veneers can last for 3 years or more, depending on how well you take care of them.

Orthodontic Treatments

If your main concern is tooth misalignment, orthodontic treatment may be a more appropriate solution. Braces or clear aligners can gradually move the teeth into proper alignment, improving both the appearance and functionality of your smile. You can correct everything from teeth and jaw misalignments to bite problems with orthodontics.

At Dana Street Dental, we offer a range of orthodontic treatments with both traditional braces and clear aligner options such as Invisalign and Inman aligners. Our dentists create personalised treatment plans with 3D technology for predictable and proven results.

Dental Crowns & Bridges

At Dana Street Dental, we also offer restorative dental treatments to help restore your smile and cover missing or damaged teeth with dental crowns and bridges. Dental crowns are tooth-coloured caps that cover broken, decayed or missing teeth to improve appearance and function. They are also used after a root canal treatment to protect the remaining tooth from further damage.

Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth by bridging the gap between the remaining natural teeth. They consist of artificial teeth anchored by adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.

Dental crowns and bridges offer the dual benefits of restoring your smile’s appearance and improving functionality by filling the gap left by damaged or missing teeth.

Teeth Whitening

If your main concern is tooth discolouration or staining, professional teeth whitening treatments can help you to restore a brighter, whiter smile. This procedure involves using bleaching agents to remove stains and lighten the colour of the teeth. We offer both in-chair teeth whitening and take-home kits.

Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth or gaps in your smile, dental implants can provide a long-term solution. They involve the placement of artificial tooth roots in your jawbone to provide a secure foundation for your new teeth. Dental implants help improve aesthetics, speaking and chewing ability and preserve facial structure by preventing bone loss.

At Dana Street Dental, we offer complete smile makeover treatments to address one or multiple smile issues. Our treatments are designed to your unique needs, focusing not only on aesthetics but also your oral health for a healthy and dazzling smile.

Each smile makeover is different and may involve a combination of different treatments or a stand-alone procedure for a smile that’s yours alone. The beauty of a smile makeover is that it can help you codesign your smile with our dentists, keeping your aesthetic and oral health requirements for long-term results. It takes into account the whole picture like your facial profile, teeth, gums and surrounding structures for an overall smile transformation. Compared to single procedures like teeth contouring which only have a limited scope and may not be able to meet all your smile goals, a smile makeover is bespoke and tailored to your needs.

 Is Teeth Contouring Right for You?

Teeth contouring may be able to help if you’re looking for subtle smile improvements such as smoothing or rounding edges. Since the removal of tooth enamel is permanent, it is extremely important to be absolutely sure about what you want. You don’t want to be stuck with a tooth shape that may not suit your face.

Smile makeovers, on the other hand, are customised for you. They involve comprehensive consultation, the latest technology, and a personalised approach for predictable results. Talk to our friendly Ballarat dentists to understand more about smile makeovers.

Are you Ready to Begin Your Smile Journey?

We all deserve the chance to feel good about our smile and express our joy without reservations. If there are smile flaws or teeth imperfections that have been bothering you for some time, we may be able to help. At Dana St Dental, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures, including facial aesthetics and injectables for fine lines and gummy smiles. We value the uniqueness of each smile and take the time to understand your concerns to gain a deep understanding of both your aesthetic and oral health requirements. With compassion, a gentle touch, and an honest and transparent approach to help you make an informed decision, we’re here to help you achieve optimal oral health and a stunning smile. Book a consultation today.

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