Please be informed that we’ll be closed on the 24th to 27th and 31st of December and on the 1st to 2nd of January. We’ll be back on the 3rd of January. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!

As health and wellness trends continue to enjoy mainstream popularity and the number of clinics and spas continues to grow, it can be challenging to find an aesthetic facial treatment that’s exactly right for you. With more choices and available options come treatment methods and styles that you may not be familiar with, and more questions than answers.

It doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what to look for. Choosing the best clinic and aesthetic facial treatment can be much simpler if you consider the following important aspects when looking for a specific treatment or new clinic to patronize.

Pay Attention to Staff Experience

No matter how well-appointed, serene, and chic a spa or clinic might seem, each can only be as good as the staff who work there. No amount of scented candles or high-end wooden paneling can compensate for inexperienced or untrained staff or the absence of professional certification. Inquire about the background and training of the aestheticians who work there, and whether they are licensed as regulated health care professionals. If you’re considering things like botox, fillers, or chemical peels, these must be performed by a properly trained professional—and they should have the pedigree to prove it.

Pay Attention to a Realistic Treatment Plan Instead of Over-Promising Results

Many spas or clinics will offer a complimentary initial consultation. Look for these, and take advantage of them to learn more about the facility and services you’re considering before booking your treatment of choice. Prepare a list of questions and note the responses you receive. If staff hesitates or seems unsure of their answer, this could be a clear sign of trouble. Also, pay attention to the kind of treatment objectives or outcomes any staff may mention. Carefully consider the offered details for things like goals or results which seem vague or overly ambitious. A good clinic will under promise and over deliver—not the other way around.

Check out Feedback and Reviews

Always check available reviews of a clinic before booking a treatment. There are many different sources for reviews from former or current clients, and they’re often a wealth of information about how well a clinic and the people in it perform its functions. Check to see if the reviews seem credible, and without bias. If you know anyone personally who has visited the clinic before, ask them for their first-hand impressions.

Consider the Price Range

Every clinic will have different pricing and fee structures for its various services. Knowing what to expect—and what you have the budget for—can help narrow down your choices and avoid any unpleasant (and embarrassing) surprises when it comes time to pay the bill.

Bear in mind the cheapest option may not present the best value, and exceptionally low prices can be a sign that a clinic cuts corners or otherwise doesn’t deliver the best possible service for the charge involved. For treatments like botox, fillers, or chemical peels, you definitely want the best available service, which often isn’t the cheapest.

Ensure the Before and After Photos are Real

Many clinics will have examples of the kinds of results they promise in before and after photos of people who have undergone treatments there. Carefully examine any offered before and after photos for signs that may not be original photos taken by the clinic itself. Some may use stock photography images, and others may use examples that have been provided to them by franchisee holders or equipment vendors. These are, of course, very poor proof of what a particular clinic is capable of.

Final Considerations

While there are more choices now than ever before when it comes to aesthetic facial treatment services, they’re not all of the same quality or operate to the same set of standards. Knowing what details to pay attention to and what questions to ask will make choosing the right clinic and aesthetician much easier.

Not all clinics were created equally, and not all offer the same services or the same kind of results. By paying careful attention to these five factors, you can find the right place at the right price, and enjoy excellent service and optimal results.

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