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What Are Facial Aesthetics?

Ageing is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t mean you can’t slow down its effects. Through facial aesthetics, you can delay unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and uneven skin tones.

Facial aesthetics or facial rejuvenation are non-surgical procedures that reduce the signs of ageing on the face. There are many facial aesthetic treatments, but the two most popular ones are Botox and dermal fillers. Botox injections are popularly used to prevent wrinkles, and dermal fillers are used to unwanted lines, scarring, acne marks, and accentuate features such as lips and cheekbones.

Facial aesthetics should make a difference in your face, but it should not be overly noticeable. To achieve the right balance, the treatments must be administered by trained professionals like cosmetic surgeons, nurses, and dentists.

Why Facial Aesthetics Are the Next Big Thing in Dentistry?

Nowadays, a trip to the dentist doesn’t only include medical and cosmetic treatments for your teeth. It also has facial aesthetics treatment. As more and more dental clinics are going into the practice of facial aesthetics, it won’t be long before you can get your teeth cleaned and have dermal fillers simultaneously. However, why is there a move to incorporate facial aesthetics in dentistry?

The first and most important reason is that dentists are as equally qualified as cosmetic surgeons to administer aesthetic treatments, all thanks to their five years of training and schooling. In school, they learn about your teeth and the anatomical structure of the mouth, the muscles, and how oral treatments affect the face. They are also highly skilled in administering pain-free injections and have a steady hand.

The Australian Dental Association has broadened the dentists’ care area to include head, neck, and jaw muscles, tongue, salivary glands, and neck. They can even perform screenings for oral cancer.

Of course, dentists have to undergo courses and commit to ongoing development in this area to give the best service possible.

Secondly, cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics are ideal partners and work hand in hand. Most people who go to the dentist for cosmetic procedures are also interested in facial aesthetics. For example, people who have veneers or have their teeth whitened can benefit from plumping their lips subtly with a hyaluronic acid dermal filler. A subtle lip plump can enhance white, straight teeth when they smile.

Trust is the last reason dentists are becoming the go-to in facial aesthetics. You go to your dentist regularly to have your teeth checked and cleaned, and most probably, you’ve already established a rapport with your doctor. They know what you like, your pain threshold, and medicines you are allergic to. If you trust your dentist to give you a root canal and a dental implant, the trust you need to give them to administer facial aesthetics is already there.

What Are the Benefits of Facial Aesthetics?

No matter what type of facial rejuvenation you choose to get, you can harness the following benefits:

  • Improved self confidence: Crow’s lines and wrinkles on your forehead can make you look worn down, and skin discolouration can be embarrassing. Undergoing facial rejuvenation can boost your self-confidence every time you look in the mirror. Facial rejuvenation fights the signs of ageing, giving a younger version of you.
  • Non-invasive: Facial aesthetics treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive. Non-invasive means you can have shorter recovery times, and the risk of side effects are low. Your dentist can also choose to administer anaesthetics to further reduce the discomfort you experience.
  • It’s safe: Since it’s a non-invasive procedure, facial rejuvenation treatments are almost 100% percent safe when performed by a qualified professional, like your dentist. Depending on what procedure you take, you can resume your daily activities almost immediately after treatment.

Who Can Get Facial Aesthetics?

Men and women can benefit from the benefits of facial rejuvenation. The ideal age to start getting these treatments can begin in your 30s. At this age, you can think of getting skin resurfacing or some injectables, depending on your skincare needs.

When Do You Need Facial Aesthetics?

Depending on your age, skin type, and genetics, you might want to undergo your first facial rejuvenation treatment when you experience any of the following:

  • Decreased skin elasticity: Skin elasticity is your skin’s ability to bounce back to shape. Decreased skin elasticity can be caused by many factors, such as low collagen levels and elastin levels in your skin’s sub-dermal layer.
  • Wrinkles and fine lines: Wrinkles in your forehead, in between your brows, and around your nose and mouth are commonly associated with aging. Wrinkles and lines usually form when collagen production lessens, usually between 40 to 50 years of age.
  • Dark spots and blemishes: These can be anything ranging from melasma, increased freckles, or new moles on your face. Dark spots are blemishes that usually show up in older adults.


Facial rejuvenation makes sure you are the best version of yourself at any age. And who better to administer these treatments than somebody you already trust to take care of your smile? Your dentist can make sure your beautiful smile compliments your equally beautiful face.

Our qualified and friendly dentists at Wall St. Dental are waiting to give you the ultimate glow-up with our dental and facial aesthetics. Contact us today for an appointment.

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